Bite Size Zoom Sessions

How do you help your employees to stay focussed and motivated in these uncertain times?

Life is challenging. Working from home can cause even more uncertainty, anxiety, depression, and even anger. Companies need to tighten their belts, and at the same time enable employees to keep their MOJO.
Work-life balance is even harder to maintain when you have to juggle home schooling, cleaning, feeding, meetings and exercise.

So we are offering Bite Size Zoom sessions at R 350.00 for 40 minutes, excluding VAT. You choose the duration, topic and either individual coaching or lesson format.

Some of our courses to choose from, being offered in 40 minutes Bite Size Zoom Sessions:

  • Mental Toughness
  • Handling Uncertainty
  • Virtual Teams
  • Handling Conflict
  • Social Media Etiquette
  • Building your Brand or your Team’s
  • Maintaining Client Loyalty remotely
  • Time Management for Remote Employees


Bite Size Zoom sessions



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