Time to say Goodbye
2020 End of Year Reflection
The year 2020 has been a year that went from Dragons and Despair to Dandelions and Dawns.
Two quotes that summarise the year for me:
“The only way to catch your breath, is to lose it completely”
Taylor Knott Gregson
I “lost my breath” more times that not, trying to navigate the virtual world. (Zoom and Teams are not my superpower!)
It took me a while to realise that this is new for everyone. That it is not necessary to be “perfect”. When something can go wrong, it probably will. It is how you recover from the technology gremlins, how serious is it really and is it possibly to laugh at yourself and move on?
“Humanness” crept into the business world. Our homes became our workspace – kids, dogs, inappropriate visuals, and noises are part of the “office”. We have become more forgiving, less rigid – work is where the screen is.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
William James
Thank you 2020 for teaching us all patience and tolerance. May 2021 be a gentler lesson – let the “tornado” of this year quieten to a gentle breeze.