We Offer

In-House Courses

Virtual Leadership

How does your leadership style change in virtual world?

Virtual Intelligence

The need for a 6th intelligence.

Virtual Teams

How to build and maintain a productive team in a virtual world.

Business writing

Writing etiquette for professionals.

Client Inc

Client service to build and maintain relationships with clients.

Coaching Skills

Tools to unlock your team member’s potential.

Professional COMMUNICATION Skills

Skills to enhance communication through all channels (verbal, non-verbal, telephone, meetings, presentations, and social media).

Creative Conversations

Turning conflict into a conversation.

Critical Thinking

Improving the quality of thinking by analysing and assessing arguments.

Effective Meetings

Planning and conducting meetings.

Enneagram for teams

Understanding each other’s motivation and blind spots.

Entrepreneurial Skills

How to act like it is your own business. (Taking extreme ownership)

EQ for Teams

Emotional intelligence skills to function optimally as a team.

Front-line and Receptionist training

Professional communication for front-line staff.


Practical leadership skills to lead with confidence.

How to get your MOJO back

Stress and anxiety copying skills.

Hybrid Teams

Virtual and “back to office” teams.


Developing your own and team’s brand.

Mental Toughness

How to develop Resilience and Grit.

Managing Change

How to manage and handle change.

Negotiating & Influencing

Learn skills to negotiate and influence.

Presentation Skills

How to present in any situation or channel.

Problem Solving

Skills to develop solution thinking.

Strategy Sessions

Developing and implementing a strategy.

Super Sales

How to sell your services and products.

Telephone Skills

Telephone etiquette in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Time Management

How to manage your time, deadlines, and life.

Sharpen your Training Skills

Train-the-Trainer Skills.

In-House or Online Coaching


Model of Coaching

Hanrie Fridjhon developed a model “TRANSCEND”. It means “to rise above” or “go beyond”.

TRANSCEND is based on the Process-Enneagram (Knowles). As an accredited Enneagram coach, she wanted to integrate the Enneagram into the coaching practice. She realised though, that the Enneagram-language can be perceived as negative, and people struggle to change their world views even when they resonate with their Enneagram-type. Her model helps them to “see” through nine different lenses to help change perspectives. They get the opportunity to experience all nine types of the Enneagram through a range of questions.

The use of the model depends on the context of the clients’ goal, and our coaches also integrate Positive Psychology, Wilber, Kolb, Nancy Kline, EQ and SCARF.

We believe that each client has their own unique needs, and our coaches adapt to whatever their contexts and goals are. This model is very effective in shifting perspectives and helps with sustained growth.


Some of the tools we use; Positive psychology, Enneagram reports (Integrative9), 360 evaluations, SCARF, Malcolm Gladwell’s  ‘Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking’, Victor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, Nancy Kline’s ‘Thinking Partners’, ORCS’s tools, Kolb’s learning styles, and Wilber’s Integral model.

Measures of success

ROC (return on coaching) assessment report with coachee and stakeholder.

Conversational English

Speaking correctly and writing professionally in English has become an important factor in this globalised world. It is the internationally used method of communication in business. To improve your conversational English, chat with Pro-Active Communication’s English teachers and gain professional and social fluency.


More and more people around the world are learning the value of good communication, and English has become the international language for communication in things like the marine environment and for airplanes. But it has especially become important in business. To improve your conversational English, you can now chat with Pro-Active Communication’s English teachers and gain professional and social fluency.

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