Introduction: The Myth of Aging Gracefully
If I hear one more time how gracefully I have aged, I will vomit through my gracefully aged mouth.
Aging gracefully, according to Google, is a euphemism for looking old but still holding on.
The Obsession with Youth
The biggest ‘insultment’ (my son’s coinage of insult when he was small) is that most of us think this is a compliment.
Should we be ashamed of it?
Evolving with Age
Aging is the one thing we all have in common, and we can be sure of. So where does this obsession comes from, having to look younger than your years?
Shouldn’t growing older be about evolving? To finally reach a stage in your life where you don’t worry what people think of you, to having to manage your emotions more carefully, being able to step into yourself, make peace with the past and to love yourself, warts and all.
The Role of Social Media
Social media is constantly advising us on how to age slower, how to look younger, criticising those who dare to show their age.
We allow it, we buy into it and worst of all, we consider it to be normal.
Embracing Your True Self
I want to look my age. I am almost 59. I have worked for the lines on my face. It is showing my road map through life – the agonies and the ecstasies. My grey hair is a reminder of heartaches, loss but also the acceptance of overcoming the turbulence of my history. It is all there as a reminder of who I am.
Living Fully at Any Age
I want the focus to be on health, my capabilities to do the things I love. Healthy in all the aspects of my life. Growing older doesn’t give me permission to sit on the couch and eat cake and say: ‘ At our age…’ I want to run, hike mountains and deserts, boogie board without a wet suit, do Pilates, play with my dogs, to be curious about life. To appreciate the small things in life, be amazed by nature and cherish all the relationships in my life. That is truly a gift, to be able to do that and to live my life’s purpose compassionately. I want to be where I am, right now.
Conclusion: Redefining Graceful Aging
If that is aging gracefully, so be it, no more vomiting out of my gracefully aged mouth.
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas